Saturday 17 March 2012

St Paddys in Belfast

"Josteling for position just to see the parade never mind take any pictures confimred how little I want to be a press photographer." - Me

Walking up Victoria Street towards the shopping centre there weren't that many people, but ten minutes later and it was 3 deep to the front.  I'd positioned myself facing up Chichester Street so that I could get the parade head on, then take some close-up shots as they went past at the corner, but that plan was quickly changed when the group of people in front of me stood up and it turned out they were all 6 footers.  So I shifted around to the front of Victoria's pub and managed to squeeze in front of a couple of older folk who weren't really paying that much attention to the procession.  I managed to pick out a couple of good shots, although I had more opportunities shooting everything other than the parade.

I guess the big news this week has been that I was speaking to a guy in work who told me that his band are playing in Auntie Annies on the 29th and they need someone to take some photos of them at the gig.  They don't have any publicity shots either, so I offered my services and they gave me the nod to work away.  At this point I really just want to build up a portfolio of work that I can show to potential employers/clients.  I said that I wouldn't charge anything for my work, however, any of the photos that they use if they could just provide a link to my Facebook page so that anyone who looks at it can see my other work that's all that I want.  The general concensus is that at the start of any photographic career, you inevatibly have to give something away to gain recognition and publicity before you can start earning the big money.  So this is a sacrifice that I am actually quite happy to make.

Anyway, it's 3:30 and me and Linda have to meet up with some friends in The Errigle up the Ormeau Road for a few pints and to watch the rugby. 

I know I've said it a few times, but I will most definitely be uploading a few more photos this weekend.

Much love,



  1. Josh this is turning into a good blog, I look forward to keeping up to date with how your getting on. Good luck for the gig


    1. Cheers Adrian. I'm trying to update the blog every week with new pictures just to keep me shooting so check it out every once and a while, hopefully there'll be a massive improvement at some point! Thanks for the actually leaving a comment too, when I saw someone had responded to the blog I felt like a superstar hahaha.
