Thursday, 12 July 2012

Parades & Politics

Ok, so first of all I just called this post 'Parades & Politics' because they are the first two things that come into my head when I thnk of the 12th of July.  I'm probably the least politically minded person around, and any of my friends would agree with that.  I'm not a nihilist or anything, I just don't have any stong views either way.

Being off work today I thought I'd get out and take a few pictures of the parade through Belfast over along High Street.  I haven't taken that many shots recently, so I though this was a great opportunity to capture some more candid pictures and work on some post processing.  After shooting the wedding with Billy in May, he gave me some great advice on using Lightroom and giving the images a slightly more processed look without being too over the top.  On top of that I've started to catologue my images on Lightroom, because before that I had one folder with over 5000 pictuers in it and it was just a nightmare to find specific shoots.

Anyway, it was a great day today with no rain and a good bit of sun for the whole time I was shooting.  The last parade I shot was on St Patricks Day which was more 'floats' and dancers, also it's been more than ten years since I've been to a 12th parade so it was good fun as well.

I think my favourite shot today is the one at the very bottom of the two boys sitting in the door of the van.  It was driving past and had some of the participants of the parade who for whatever reason couldn't take part in the walk.  For me, the two kids look like they're having a serious conversation as any adults would.  Even the way they're sitting and looking at each other there is something more 'grown up' about the image.

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